Samara University Courses and Academic Programmes (Ethiopia)

Samara University Courses and Academic Programmes: Samara University: Semera, Ethiopia offered various courses for students There are 35 undergraduate programs of these some are new and are launched in this academic year. The university also launched postgraduate programs.

Samara University Academic Programmes
Samara University Courses

Samara University Courses and Academic Programmes

Samara University has got seven faculties each one dealing with diverse fields of study which are mostly established based on their importance to the development of the region and the Afar community.

Faculty of Business and Economics

  1. Department of Management
  2. Department of Economics
  3. Department of Accounting

Faculty of Dry land Agriculture

  1. Department of animal science
  2. Department of Horticulture
  3. Department of Natural resource management
  4. Department of Plant Science (with Special focus on Sugarcane agronomy)

Faculty of Medical and Health sciences

  1. Department of Clinical Nursing

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

  1. Department of Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Engineering And Technology

  1. Department of  Computer Science
  2. Department of Chemical Engineering (with special focus on sugar technology)

Faculty of Natural and Computational science

  1. Department of  Biology
  2. Department of Chemistry
  3. Department of Physics
  4. Department of Mathematics
  5. Department of Geology/Earth Science

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

  1. Department of English Language And Literature
  2. Department of Ethiopian Language And Literature-Amharic
  3. Department of Sociology
  4. Department of History and Heritage Management
  5. Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
  6. Department of Anthropology

The board shall advise the director of the institute on the:

  • Establishment and formulation of the administrative and research responsibilities of the institute;
  • Identification of research needs, determination of research priorities and projects;
  • Determination of the desirability and feasibility of creating functional units in the institute;
  • Implementation of the university policy on research priority

In consultation with the RPO, it shall lay down policies and procedures for

  • the requirement of professional staff for the institute and the cooperating of staff from other units of the university;
  • Visiting scholars who seek formal association with the institute;
  • Applications and acceptance of grants and donations in support of the institute’s objectives; and
  • Publication and dissemination of outputs of research.
  • The board may delegate portion of its functions to the academic commissions of the institute as stipulated in this legislation.

See also